Saturday, October 27, 2012

Teacher fired over porn says she lost herself

Teacher fired over porn says she lost herself

This is an outrage to me and should be to everyone. Here is a woman that has a past like all of us. She's made decisions that were right for her at the time like we all have. Is being in the porn industry a job that should preclude you from teaching junior high or any age of children? If the truth were told the porn industry alone is responsible for putting lots of people, especially women through not one or two years of college but four or more for what they can make in a summer.

Our societal mindset that makes us judge these people comes from our Judeo-Christian values. Why do we feel the need to judge? Christ judged no one. Why do the self professed followers of Christ judge in a manner not unlike the assassins of Christ.

The important questions for the school administrator and anyone to be asking is " how is she as a science teacher?" "Does she interact with her students appropriately?" There are teachers that have torrid sex lives, make videos and have pictures everywhere on the Internet. So what? How are they at their job? If we hold everyone accountable for their past decisions that society doesn't agree with then everyone would be out of a job. That would be everyone, government and private sector.

The article says she thinks she deserves a second chance. I don't see where she ever received a first chance. If you're reading this, I know you've been judged and probably have judged others. Ask yourself how it made you feel to be judged and then ask why do you want to do that to others.

We're all imperfect. Why do we have this overwhelming need to judge others ? Why mess with their livelihood? How would you like losing you job because of some prior employment. At least this woman had a job.

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