Friday, January 20, 2017

The epitome of why women outlive men......

You know, I do my regular exercise walks down the streets of the coastal homes.  I usually do those walks at night although I chose one beautiful morning to get my walk in early.  As I'm walking down the street, I am met with people my age range also walking.  I see a woman that appears fit and moving at a good pace.  Not really giving things a second thought at this point I carry on with my walk.  A few blocks further I see another woman, same as before.  Then a few blocks further, I see a man and it all made sense then.  You see the man was not so fit, carrying in one had a cup of coffee and clutching with a death grip in his other hand the pink box of donuts.  Probably on his way to sit in front of the television for his Sunday sports!  And so the story goes the fairer of the sexes gets out and works to stay fit inside and out, while the men may do it for awhile they aren't usually consistent because "there will be time for that later.....". While yet some, after watching a day of sports feel like they did all "that", as they lived vicariously through the actions of million dollar athletes.