Thursday, July 8, 2010

Everyone's Guilty................

You know everyone is guilty until released from it! Not criminally guilty mind you, emotionally guilty. There are all types of guilt feelings that we all hang on to, most of them we don't even realize. Examples: A single parent because their children don't have both parents in the home. A child with an absent parent. An unfaithful significant other, etc and the list goes on. The point that I would like to make here today is that we all have some level of guilt for something we have done, not done or someone else has done or not done. The thing we each need to do is to figure out what it is, face it and deal with it and be done with it. It will greatly add to each of our own happiness if we can do that. Especially when the guilt you may carry is because of someone else's actions or inactions. Like a child blaming themselves, subconsciously of course, because one parent or the other isn't in their life at all. That isn't the child's fault, but yet the tendency is for them to blame themselves and assume that they did something wrong. An unfaithful person will pack guilt around for long after they have paid the consequences for their actions, even when it doesn't seem like it. So if we identify it, realize our part of it, deal with it, apologize for our part then it should be done. If we have been the victim, it shouldn't be our guilt to begin with, if we have been on the other side then we need to remember that forgiveness starts within!

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