Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Beach.....Update

This is a refreshing update as of 8/11/18.  I was enjoying the beach on Saturday.  As I watched the waves roll in at unusual heights due to tropical storm off of the coast of Baja, I noticed a woman walking down the beach, picking up trash.  Then about an hour later a group of approximately 6 adults, and 8 or 9 kids all came through my part of the beach.  Also, picking up trash and depositing it in the trash receptacles that I mentioned before.

I so enjoyed someone else besides myself picking up the trash that inconsiderate visitors to our beaches leave all of the time.  It helps put a band aid on the problem for sure.  While I am thankful for the extra efforts of a few, I still am infuriated with the many that create the original problem that others are left to fix.  Where does this entitlement come from?  Do we as a society think that the government, the local citizens should have to clean up after us?  It’s like everyone or mostly everyone thinks their mom is going around cleaning up after them.  Well, it’s not your childhood home, it is however my home.  The beach is a very inexpensive relaxation spot for everyone.  The least thing that visitors could do is keep it looking nice by picking up their trash and leaving it the way they found it. 

Yesterday, there was also a group of people enjoying the beach with their dogs.  They had 3 little chihuahuas.  They were cute and all.  Barking up a storm, which is fine.  However when one of the dogs pooped not far from where this group was hanging out, they owners weren’t going to pick up the shit, literally.  A gentleman, that witnessed the dog pooping, went over to the group and asked them to do the responsible thing and pick up the shit. 

So I guess it does take a village to raise people to the level of decency to at least pick up their shit instead leaving it strewn throughout.  It would be nice one day that people will take care of their own shit and not leave it for others to pick up or have to be reminded to pick up.  Do they live that way at home?  

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