Sunday, August 12, 2018

Oops another trashy post.........

So I’m walking in from the beach to my house.  I have to walk in between a couple of other duplexes to get to mine.  I noticed candy wrappers and other trash along the sidewalk between the units.  Then I started looking around and it all made sense.  Most of the places in my little neighborhood are rental units.  Now these units are rented sometimes only for a few months at a time.  So there is a lot of turnover.  Usually, the tenants are here for the summer to be close to the beach and surf or what have you.  The property owners charge a premium for the rental property.  So ultimately, we have several people living in a small unit so they can afford the rent.  Which is the very scenario we have in the “ghetto” areas everywhere by the way.  So my theory is that people are paying a premium to rent not own, they are here temporarily so things like trash don’t matter, etc.  They don’t take pride in where they live, maybe thats a generational thing or maybe it’s the mindset of living somewhere you can’t afford and having to share with a lot of people.  I don’t know, I’m not a psychologist. Nonetheless I have to deal with it until I can find a neighborhood that is full of people that take pride in their living space.

Also, it’s not just the small trash, like the wrappers and the glitter all over, it’s the people that walk their dogs on the cobblestone drive way only to let them shit and pee on it and not clean that up either.  Thankfully there are only a few that do that.  It’s also the people that dump their old furniture at the end of the driveway which happens to be right next to my unit.  Which makes it difficult to get in and out of our driveway. Like the jackass that put their old couch out there last week that is still there making it difficult on us and the neighbor across from us.  The garbage men don’t take stuff like that.  So then someone else has to take care of it, which is bs.  I bet whoever gets to read this isn’t the problem because they won’t read this far.  So thank you for taking the time to read my rant, but you’re probably not the problem......have a good day😊

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