Monday, November 19, 2012

Twinkles gone!

How could this happen? Well it's simple. Earlier this year Hostess filed for reorganization bankruptcy protection. Years after employees warned them of bad business choices and they refused the input.

Hostess upper management has bought into the catch phrase that unions are the problem. While collective bargaining is not the perfect solution to the workplace dilemmas it is the solution that has brought benefits to all of labor, union and non union. Most don't know that holidays, paid or not, weekends, paid vacations, sick pay, eight hour work day, overtime etc. are all benefits that are brought to the middle class through unions fighting to keep a middle class.

Case in point would be the recent labor/management dispute at Raleys. Raleys claimed for a year that they were going to face a financial problem unless they cut wages and made workers pay for more of their own healthcare. Which Raleys already received a tax credit for under obamacare. The union said if that was true then sit down with us and show us. Raleys kept saying no. It wasn't until the recent strike on the eve of a major holiday for food shopping did Raleys settle the dispute. Public relations people at all companies are paid to spin the data to make the company look good. Please realize that when you hear things in the media.

Also, when your uneducated neighbor, family member, etc tells you that unions are bad let him/her know that the middle class owes all better working conditions to union workers over the last 100 years.

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