Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How much is too much?

How much love for a pet is too much? Everyone loves their pets. How far are you willing to go for your pet? I've known people that have paid for brain surgery for a cat. Same cat required insulin shots later. That's love and dedication that is unmatched especially for a pet. I've known people that have spent thousands for a broken leg on a dog. A dog that wasn't even theirs, it was abandoned. I've known several that have cremated their pets and kept the ashes.

Today though, through the course of my day job which takes me into people's homes, I saw a dog that had been put down because of terminal health issues. While that sounds tame, the rest of the story is that he had been dead for a full 24 hours. Then he was laid on the floor in the home office on a dog bed with care. All but his head covered with a small blanket. Eyes wide open. I had to step over him several times on my visit of over 2 hours today. Maybe it's just me being creeped out I don't know. They did remark that they were going to bury him soon but due to the current weather issues it was uncertain when that may be.

So I don't know,.... How much is too much? I don't know if that question has one answer. Our pets mean the world to us and we all have that right to do what we feel is necessary to help them. So while, it may sound like I'm judging, I'm not. There are times like today that I am amazed at the level some go for their pets.

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