Sunday, January 8, 2012

Triggers, Meanings and Ruts -Part 2

Meanings, we all apply meanings to everything that happens. The real problem begins when we apply meanings to similar looking or similar feeling happenings. While incorrect meanings are different that triggers, they are just as detrimental as triggers.

Example: Something happens when you are 3. You make it mean something as that 3 year old child. Will that meaning be accurate, even semi-accurate? Probably not. The meaning that you have applied to it will seem very accurate to you and you won’t have the education or mature thought process to look at all of the facts and learn what it really meant.O Unfortunately, that is the most processing you will do with it until at some point in your future you decide to look deep inside yourself to find out why you think certain things happen with the same meaning over and over. We take it one step further most of the time too. What that means is that we watch something happen. Then we say it means something. Then as we look at it, we gather only the evidence present that supports our meaning. Thus shortcutting the evaluation process…..

Anyone ever watch CSI? That is really the best way to do it. Gather all the evidence you can when something happens and then evaluate it all to find out what the true meaning is. That is the healthy, comprehensive way to do it. How do you know when you’re doing it? This is simple. After something happens look at what you first do……Are you making a statement about it, being judgmental about it or just offering some immediate explanation about it? Then you’re not looking to find out what happened, you are looking to pass judgment and apply some predetermined meaning. If you finding yourself asking a lot of questions, of yourself, the other parties involved and even some third party influences for more input into the possibilities then you are approaching it in the best possible way to find the true meaning of the happening.

Will you be able to catch everything you apply meanings to right away. Probably not. That’s why I like the term “Work In Progress” . Each of us is just that. I know as I find out and fix more stuff within myself, I see how much more work I have to do…..Somedays, it’s exhausting to work on yourself and never pleasant at the time, but the rewards after are so worth it. You can be truly happy with yourself and truly confident in knowing you have the tools to go through life making decisions every day.

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